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Ministerial Meeting on Science (2nd : 1966 : Paris)
4. Ministerial Meeting on Science. 1966 Libro
Mar 323  
McCracken, Daniel D.
5. Programación fortran / Daniel D. McCracken. 1963 Libro
Mc 46
Ministerial Meeting on Science (1st : 1963 : Paris)
6. Ministers talk about science : a summary and review of the first ministerial meeting on science octubre 1963 / edited, with an introduction and notes, by Emmanuel G. Mesthene. 1965 Libro
Mes 56
French Language Seminar on Administration and Organisation of Research, Château de Ménars (1th : 1960 : Paris)
7. Administration and organisation of research : first European Regional Seminar. 1961 Libro
or 14
Pons, Alain.
8. Research management. 1965 Libro
Pon 775
Seiler, Robert E.
9. Improving the effectiveness of research and development : special report to management / Robert E. Seiler. 1965 Libro
Se 43
Wilgress, Dana.
10. Co-operation in the field of scientific and technical research / by Dana Wilgress. — [2nd ed.]. 1960 Libro
Wil 641
Autores varios
11. Reviews of national science policy. Italy. 1969 Libro
or 14
12. Science policy in the USSR / E. Zaleski... [et al.]. 1969 Libro
or 14
13. Reviews of national science policy. Canada. 1969 Libro
or 14
14. Reviews of national science policy. United States. 1968 Libro
or 14
Kaufmann, A. (Arnold), 1911-
15. Introduction to operations research / A. Kaufmann and R. Faure ; translated by Henry C. Sneyd. 1968 Libro
K 162
Del Vecchio, R. J.
16. Understanding design of experiments : a primer for technologists / R.J. Del Vecchio. 1997 Libro
Del 37
Schmidt, Stephen R.
17. Understanding industrial designed experiments / Stephen R. Schmidt, Robert G. Launsby ; edited by Mark J. Kiemele. — 4th ed. 1998 Libro
Sch 56
Clancey, William John.
18. Transfer of rule-based expertise through a tutorial dialogue / by William John Clancey. 1979 Tesis
C 511
Stibic, Vladimír.
19. Tools of the mind : techniques and methods for intellectual work / V. Stibic. 1982 Libro
Sti 51
Smith, Linda Cheryl.
20. Selected artificial intelligence techniques in information retrieval systems research / by Linda Cheryl Smith. 1979 Tesis
Sm 41
Autores varios
21. Design automation of digital systems / edited by Melvin A. Breuer ; Contributors Ralph J. Preiss ... [et al.]. 1972 Libro
B 757
Saracevic, Tefko.
22. Consolidation of information : a handbook on evaluation, restructuring, and repackaging of scientific and technical information / prepared by Tefko Saracevic & Judith B. Wood. — Pilot ed. 1981 Libro
Sar 71
Meyer, Carl H.
23. Cryptography : a new dimension in computer data security : a guide for the design and implementation of secure systems / Carl H. Meyer, Stephen M. Matyas. 1982 Libro
Me 727
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