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Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química Servicio de Información y Documentación · Catálogo de libros |
Wilkinson, Barry. | ||||
1. | Parallel programming : techniques and applications using networked workstations and parallel computers / Barry Wilkinson, Michael Allen. | 1999 | Libro |
001.001 64
W 654 |
Freeman, C. Freeman, Christopher. | ||||
2. | The research and development effort in Western Europe, North America and the Soviet Union : an experimental international comparison of research expenditures and manpower in 1962 / by C. Freeman and A. Young. | 1965 | Libro |
F 1 |
Hoffman, Kenneth. | ||||
3. | Álgebra lineal / Kenneth Hoffman, Ray Kunze ; traducción y adaptación Hugo E. Finsterbusch. | 1973 | Libro |
H 1 |
Ministerial Meeting on Science (2nd : 1966 : Paris) | ||||
4. | Ministerial Meeting on Science. | 1966 | Libro |
McCracken, Daniel D. | ||||
5. | Programación fortran / Daniel D. McCracken. | 1963 | Libro |
Mc 46 |
Ministerial Meeting on Science (1st : 1963 : Paris) | ||||
6. | Ministers talk about science : a summary and review of the first ministerial meeting on science octubre 1963 / edited, with an introduction and notes, by Emmanuel G. Mesthene. | 1965 | Libro |
Mes 56 |
French Language Seminar on Administration and Organisation of Research, Château de Ménars (1th : 1960 : Paris) | ||||
7. | Administration and organisation of research : first European Regional Seminar. | 1961 | Libro |
or 14 |
Pons, Alain. | ||||
8. | Research management. | 1965 | Libro |
Pon 775 |
Seiler, Robert E. | ||||
9. | Improving the effectiveness of research and development : special report to management / Robert E. Seiler. | 1965 | Libro |
Se 43 |
Wilgress, Dana. | ||||
10. | Co-operation in the field of scientific and technical research / by Dana Wilgress. — [2nd ed.]. | 1960 | Libro |
Wil 641 |
Autores varios | ||||
11. | Reviews of national science policy. Italy. | 1969 | Libro |
or 14 |
12. | Science policy in the USSR / E. Zaleski... [et al.]. | 1969 | Libro |
or 14 |
13. | Reviews of national science policy. Canada. | 1969 | Libro |
or 14 |
14. | Reviews of national science policy. United States. | 1968 | Libro |
or 14 |
Kaufmann, A. (Arnold), 1911- | ||||
15. | Introduction to operations research / A. Kaufmann and R. Faure ; translated by Henry C. Sneyd. | 1968 | Libro |
K 162 |
Del Vecchio, R. J. | ||||
16. | Understanding design of experiments : a primer for technologists / R.J. Del Vecchio. | 1997 | Libro |
Del 37 |
Schmidt, Stephen R. | ||||
17. | Understanding industrial designed experiments / Stephen R. Schmidt, Robert G. Launsby ; edited by Mark J. Kiemele. — 4th ed. | 1998 | Libro |
Sch 56 |
Clancey, William John. | ||||
18. | Transfer of rule-based expertise through a tutorial dialogue / by William John Clancey. | 1979 | Tesis |
C 511 |
Stibic, Vladimír. | ||||
19. | Tools of the mind : techniques and methods for intellectual work / V. Stibic. | 1982 | Libro |
Sti 51 |
Smith, Linda Cheryl. | ||||
20. | Selected artificial intelligence techniques in information retrieval systems research / by Linda Cheryl Smith. | 1979 | Tesis |
Sm 41 |